How to deadhead Summer Flowers with the FREE DIG IT Newsletter.

May 2010

May 31 and I am behind in the veggie garden. Plans to build a slate herb & fragrant flower area within the dog pen garden await.

Meanwhile I enjoy southern mustard, spinach and lettuce while I admire the weeds and snap peas peek through the blossoms.

And though I didn’t mean to, I planted my home-grown transplants of Pompeii Italian tomatoes, plus farm-bought heirlooms: Striped German, Pineapple and Ramapo, and peppers: Peter Pepper (picked a peck?), two purple bells, Ancho, Cayenne (my favorite), and Anaheim.

Plus, I finally dug in mentally about what to do in my yard. I ripped up weeds, brambles, poison ivy, a few seedling rose of Sharon to plant two AARS rose bushes given by a friend: ‘Pink Home Run®’ and one so new it’s not to be found online. The garden is next to my garage, perched on a slope top. Several plants have been living on my deck for 12 years: two five-foot Alberta spruce, red-twig dogwood, purple ninebark, silver white pine, Japanese holly, and dare I? – a bush honeysuckle. I will plant them here and extend the garden to what they need and then some. This is one way to make a garden.

by Mary Jasch

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